Albert Mohler, one of the nation’s most influential Baptist and evangelical leaders, asserts that the Christian church faces a “gay revolution” challenge that is “shaking its foundations” like few others have since the death of Christ.
Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, observes in a recent column: “In less than a single generation, homosexuality has gone from something almost universally understood to be sinful, to something now declared to be the moral equivalent of heterosexuality.”
Liberal churches, he maintains, change to accommodate the “new moral reality,” which leads to the ordination of gays and the acceptance of same-sex unions.
“This is a route that evangelical Christians committed to the full authority of the Bible cannot take,” Mohler declares in an opinion piece on his website.
“We are bound by scripture to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman — and nothing else.”
Evangelicals, he states, “have failed” in dealing with this moral challenge by fearing to directly face the homosexuality issue.
“My hope is that evangelicals are ready now to take on this challenge in a new and more faithful way,” he writes.
It's worse than that. In the big cities, we are now subjected to HomoFascism, where if you don't actively wave the flag for fags, you are harassed and ostracized. We have to fight the Power. WE are now the Counter-Culture.